- The weather's been nice and most of the snow has melted - for now. (Right after I busted my hump shoveling the driveway - isn't that typical:))
- I was able to shovel the driveway all by myself. (accomplishment!)
- I have two great cats.
- I live in a free country - let's hear it for democracy!
- I have lost five pounds.
- My new shower curtain is here and ready to be put up.
- I just ate a Nestle Crunch heart (may have to cancel #5).
- I made a donation for earthquake relief in Haiti, and last month I made a donation to the City Mission. Doing a little good makes you feel good.
- I have some really great friends.
- Oooh - instant message just doinked - Facebook friend request just confirmed.
- I finally got transferring pictures from my digital camera onto my computer to work.
- I'm not hating the way my hair looks right now.
- I have both feet on the ground.
- I have two awesome nephews.
- I have many fond memories.
- I haven't made a lot of mistakes, and the ones I've made I learned from.
- My pantry and fridge are full and the kitties have plenty of food - I am ready if we have a blizzard!
- I like myself, and I know that others like me.
- The world is a beautiful place, and the news has had some very uplifting stories lately - like the rescue in Haiti. Restores your faith in mankind.
- I have hope that this year will be great!
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Twenty Reasons to be Happy Right Now
Sunday, January 17, 2010
When You Move at a Snail's Pace, But the Rest of the World Doesn't
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Winter's Good Side
Friday, January 1, 2010
It's Resolution Time Again
This year I resolve to... When a new year begins, we are always compelled to set out to do things differently or to set goals to accomplish during the year.
We always seem to be a work in progress. Wanting each new year to be better than the last. How will we ever catch up to where we want to be? This year is exceptional because for many of us, recent events have set us back, so now we're just trying to get back to where we were before.
The typical New Year's resolution just doesn't seem adequate right now. Sure I want to lose weight, be more fit, but it's just not really high on my priority list. I know what I would like to see change in my life, and I also know that things are pretty complicated. And right now, more than anything, I just want to be happy. I think we all could use some more of that.
Wouldn't it be great to get to the end of a year and say, "There is nothing I want to change this year. I am happy with the way things are"? To have your only resolution be to maintain things?
I think instead of a New Year's resolution, I need a life resolution. Something that will last beyond the scope of this year. It may be harder to stick to, but I think a life resolution could produce better results.
I want to resolve to be happier by enjoying myself more and finding something meaningful and fulfilling to do with my life. It's a pretty tall order I know, but this is a life resolution after all.
This goes beyond the simple getting organized and de-cluttering resolution. When you want to clean up your life, not just your house, it takes a lot more work. There are problems to be addressed, solutions to be researched. Courses of action to be decided.
It's not going to be easy. A major positive attitude is needed to turn things around. And some hopefulness that things will get better for everyone is definitely needed as well. When we're trying to make things happen, sometimes all we can do is hope for the best.
Maybe next year I can resolve to lose twenty pounds.
Happy New Year!