Like clipping lilacs and picking lily of the valley and enjoying their sweet fragrances. The warmer weather, the longer days. Opening up all the windows in the house and letting in the fresh air. Driving with my window rolled down listening to my favorite songs. And, of course, that wonderful Spring fever, with its rush of positive energy and feelings of optimism and excitement.
I can't wait to take advantage of that burst of energy and get started on my spring cleaning. This is the time of year to get organized, to clear out the clutter, pack away the winter gear and hang fresh curtains.
I'm looking forward to getting out of the house more, going to the park, maybe planting some flowers. Just to be spending time outdoors again will be such a welcome change after being cooped up in the house all winter long.
Spring is a time of rebirth and new beginnings. A time when everything feels fresh. A time to feel rejuvenated and hopeful again.
Welcome back, Spring!