Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Favorite Things About Winter

Since the dog days of winter are still upon us, I am trying to feel better about it by thinking about, and making the most of, all the things I like about this season. Things that help to make it more bearable.

Being snowed in - While this is a negative situation, it does have a certain cozy, even romantic side to it. I'm a homebody, so staying in and curling up on the sofa works for me.

My comforter - Pretty, thick and floral. My toasty old comforter has seen me through the last nine or ten winters, and it is one of my favorite things overall.

Frost patterns on the windows - Only in winter do you get to enjoy free artwork like this.

Critters! - Always entertaining, the birds and squirrels practically perform for food in the winter, making for some great photos. I also love watching my cats play in the snow. My male cat likes to run through deep snow, and he looks so funny when he does.

Snow - We love to hate the white stuff, it's true. But in small amounts, it is not bad. It's pretty to look at, and no matter how old I get, there is always something magical about the first snowfall of the season. (And then I get cranky about having to brush it off the car.)

Winter fun - I am not a winter sports person, and I don't like to be out in the snow for too long these days, but I love when I see kids out having fun in the snow. It brings back fond memories of playing outside in the snow when I was a little girl. I used to love making snow angels. (I can't do that anymore, unfortunately). I also have some great old photos of the snow fort the adults built for my little sister and me one winter.

Spring will be here soon (I hope), and I hate to admit it, but I will miss my favorite things about winter.

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